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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stuff......Learn to let go of the STUFF!!!!

I am writing this blog based on my day, how I am feeling and with the hope that I can give someone, anyone a message.  I have been going through a personal issue for many years, on today I tried to get it rectified and to move forward with it and I have come too a stand still.  Normally, I would have cried, complained and gone in to another form of depression. But, thankfully I realize that I am only hurting myself. Me, and I am not hurting anyone else.  In addition to that, its only stuff.  Everybody goes through stuff, it depends on how you handle the stuff and how you choose to move forward.  I came to this conclusion while putting away my groceries.  I am going to do all that I can to look at my situations as just STUFF!

If we learn to accept things and move forward, smile and keep focused we will be able to handle things in a completely positive manner.  I am so thankful today, thankful for people that have given me advice today....Thanks to my new friend Gabriel whom I met at the courthouse and I just so thankful for everything.  I beginning to believe if you look at things from a whole new prespective, you will have joy.  I'm speaking from a spiritual aspect to.   Nothing is possible without God and when we lend onto him when things seem so out of reach, this is when he is holding his hand out too you saying "And I've got this one too, my child".  I just hope this helps someone, anyone.  I am not saying forget life, forget about your responsibilities all I am saying is NEVER allow the STUFF to get you down because when its all said and done...........It's only STUFF!

God Bless Everyone of YOU!!!!!


Daniel Fast.......considering it

I have been reading a bit on the Daniel Fast.  I'm extremely intrigued, not only by the closer relationship I would establish with the Lord, but the health benefits are interesting too.  I was considering doing the fast some years ago, but the thought was stolen when I felt that I simply couldn't afford it.  However, when I look at the "foolishness" I spent my money on now......Looking back that would have been a great thing.  I desire too be in tune with my whole self.  I desire to have, do and be ALL good things.  I am realizing now, that putting off those things that are good for you is the "devils" way of stealing your blessings.

Hence the reason for me to now planning on doing this Daniel Fast.  We have to be ready to give some things up. We must be ready to sacrifice just as Jesus did for us.  I am looking forward to change, change is good.  So, as I continue to search, surf and pray for guidance from the Lord I will keep you good people in mind.  Sooooooo, if someone out there has done the Daniel Fast and you have pointers that you feel may be helpful please feel free to post to my blog.  I would greatly appreciate it.  Please send any and helpful comments, send any and all comments....please.

 Well, with the Love of Christ I leave you and I pray for you all good things!
